Soul Readings And Healing

Intuitive Arts 1 Day Workshop

Do you sense things around you and want to make sense of it, and learn how to harness your gift?

Are you wanting to expand your intuition and psychic mediumship?

June.25th 9am to 3pm

You will be learning how to read energy, what is yours and what is not. You will also learn how to work with energy and to help shift the vibrations between you and others. If you haven’t met your spirit guides will be doing so, and if you have met them before we will strength that connection. We will also be doing an energy clearing healing during the workshop along with many other wonderful things. You will meet like minded people. The workbook that is provided will be yours to take home with everything you will be learning.

A light lunch and beverages will be provided.

$150 to register

For more information or to register please email: Laura[email protected]